Under the Common Settings tab, there are additional options to control how Tagitize will clean up the tag formation it generates.

Skip Empty Tags #
When tagging manually, you can easily tell when a tag reports an empty value and shows just a question mark when selected. Once your tagging is automated with Tagitize, it’s still important to recognize and remove or replace these tags.
To prevent the app from generating those empty tags, simply go to the Common Settings tab and check the box for “Skip tags that will come out as empty”. If you still want to generate these tags and replace them yourself later, this box can be unticked.
Of course, the most time-saving approach is to select a tag family that will report meaningful values from your elements before letting Tagitize create the tags. This will allow Tagitize to place tags where there’s enough space to avoid collisions with other objects. If you manually switch the tag type after placement, you will need to do the alignment step yourself.
Recreate Existing Tags #
By default, if a tag host already has a tag in the view, the app will delete that tag and place a new one. If you want to keep the existing tags and only place new tags for untagged hosts, uncheck the box below.
Skip Heavily Overlapped Tags #
As we mentioned earlier, the app places new tags in a way that minimizes collisions against existing tags and underlay elements. However, some views can be really busy, often due to their scales, and there’s just simply not enough white space to give each new tag its optimal place.
To fix this, you have two options:
- Add more conditions to the Tag Hosts tab to reduce the number of tags the tool needs to create and arrange, or
- Tell the tool to delete tags that end up overlapping more than a certain number of other tags or underlay elements. After all, it’s sometimes quicker to add some tags manually at the end than having to entangle a big block of clashing objects.
If you choose the second option, simply define in the box below the maximum number of overlaps a tag can have before it’s deleted from the final output.